Valisneria gigantea φυτό

Είναι εύκολο φυτό που μεγαλώνει γρήγορα και είναι κατάλληλο για μεγάλα ενυδρεία. Στα περισσότερα ενυδρεία τα φύλλα του μεγαλώνουν τόσο πολύ που καλύπτουν την επιφάνεια. Έτσι χρειάζεται συχνό κλάδεμα για να μη σκιάζει τα άλλα φυτά μας. Τα φύλλα του είναι σκληρά με συνέπεια να μη τρώγονται από τα φυτοφάγα ψάρια. Αναπαράγεται εύκολα με δρομείς ειδικά αν υπάρχει θρεπτικό υπόστρωμα.
Water: Water hardness and pH level are not vital factors for Vallisneria gigantea, but prefer alkaline water. Vallisneria gigantea does not like flowing water so plant away from filter return pipe.
Vallisneria gigantea must be planted under water 2.5 to 15cm (1-6 inch) deep.
Temperature: Vallisneria gigantea has a large range of water temperature from 20 to 28°C (68-82°F).
Light: Vallisneria gigantea takes full sun to light shade; growth will be faster and stronger under brighter light.
Substrate: Vallisneria gigantea do well in a mixture of fine sand with a medium light level. Iron is important for these plants, and the best way to ensure that they get the right quantities is to use an iron-rich substrate. Recommended substrate for growing is gravel.
When planting Vallisneria gigantea always leave the crown of the plant above the substrate, this is easy to spot as the crown will have a lighter colouration as the rest of the plant.
Fertilise: In order to stimulate the growth, an iron-rich fertiliser should be added to the water periodically.
Propagation: Propagation of Vallisneria gigantea is really easy. After 2 to 4 weeks from planting the plant starts rooting and will produce runners. Do not separate the runner from the motherplant until it reached usable size. The transplanted new plant will stagnate and take one month (even more) before recovering and starting expanding and getting ready for another propagation.
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